Video story: Crystal Healer Bindu Maira explains crystal healing and the best crystals for your home

There is an upsurge in the popularity of crystal healing in recent years. You might have often seen people wearing crystal rings, pendants or bracelets. Have you ever wondered what are they and how to use them? If yes, watch our video where Crystal Healer Bindu Maira explains what is crystal healing and the best crystals to keep in your home.

What are crystals?

Well, crystals are stones that are used to cure ailments and protect against diseases. They allow the flow of positive energy and removes negative energy from the body.

What are crystals and how does crystal healing works?

Before understanding crystal healing it is crucial to understand who we are. As per science, there is only reality in this world and that is energy. Energy vibrating different frequencies create different illusions of solids. In reality, solids don’t exist. The only difference between anything we see is the rate of frequency. Everything else is energy.

According to Bindu Maira human beings are also nothing but a mass of pulsating energy.

“If the human body is not just a physical body, we actually have seven different energies in our body. You have a mental energy body, an emotional energy body, an etheric body, an astral body, and others,” she explains. All these seven energy bodies are flowing into each other through our seven chakras and every chakra contains a certain colour.

“The universal life force of energy that flows into us, which comes into us from our crown chakra, is golden white. When you take all the seven colours of the rainbow and spin them together you will get white light. So, white light is the whole. When this energy is flowing through our chakras it assumes different colours. Now every chakra is placed in front of an endocrine gland that is a physical aspect and it is related to a certain aspect of our life,” she said.

Crystals are rocks and minerals from the earth that carry a strong life force and are electromagnetic in nature. They hold their energy and resonate with different chakras and emit a sonic frequency.

Bindu Maira explains that “When you place crystals in your energy field, whether it is through wearing a ring or a pendant, they are emitting certain sound and colour vibration. Since humans are nothing but electromagnetic beams we just absorb as much as required.”

The combination of crystals that are good for your home

According to Bindu Maira Rose quartz, Black tourmaline and White quartz are the three best crystal that you can keep in your home.

She said that rose quartz is for unconditional love, peace, and harmony. Black tourmaline or schorl removes negative energy from the house and the White quartz covers all the other things.


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