Video story: Acupressure points to lower your blood pressure (hypertension)

Acupressure is an alternative medicine technique, which is based on the similar principles of acupuncture. Both are adopted from Chinese medicines and are believed to be quite effective.

Acupressure is based on the concept of life energy, which flows throughout the meridians in the body. It is believed that any disturbance in the free flow of energy can lead to various health issues. As per the principles of acupressure, there are numerous pressure points in our body and pressing these points can affect other parts of the body and improve overall health conditions. Here in this video will tell you two pressure points that can help to lower your blood pressure:

1. The heart-7 point
This point is located at the base of the palm where your hand meets your wrist. It can be easily found in the crease of your wrist.

How to do it: Gently press this point for about 60 seconds on each wrist. Press this pressure point whenever you feel stressed to calm yourself down.

2. The kidney reflexology point

The point between your big toe and second toe is called Liver 3 (LV 3). It is also known as Tai Chong.

How to do it: Press and hold this point for about one minute on each foot.

Tai Chong (LV3) is commonly used for stress, lower back pain, high blood pressure, menstrual cramps, limb pain, insomnia, and anxiety.

The bottom line

Although, acupressure is absolutely safe, but if you are pregnant do not massage the Tai Chong (Liver-3) point.


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