Video: Dos and Don’ts of crystal healing

If you have jumped into the world of alternative medicines, you would have probably heard about ‘crystal healing’. This natural technique of healing has garnered a lot of popularity across the world as it is effective and safe.

Different kinds of crystals are used in this therapy to draw out negative energies from your body and your space. Each crystal has its own specific property and using them incorrectly can have a negative impact on your life. Crystal healer Bindu Maira explains what you should do and what you should avoid while using crystals for healing yourself.

Can crystals be self-prescribed?

It is important to consult somebody who knows about crystals. Using a crystal without any knowledge can have adverse effects. For example, if something in your life needs a calming effect and you use a storm stone crystal, then it will blow things up rather than pumping it down. So, it is important to take the help of a healer. You do need to know what you are using. You can’t just use anything.

Do shapes and size matter?

You can keep big crystals in your home and you can use the smaller ones to create a grid for your entire home. The larger ones will give more energy, but more than the shape, size matters.

How often should crystals be cleansed?

How frequently you should clean your crystal depends on what you are using it for. If a sick person is using it, then the crystal should be cleaned after every 3-4 days. But if you have larger crystals in your home then you can clean them once in a week or a month. When you really connect with the crystals, you get a sense of awareness that it is asking to be cleansed.

How helpful are crystals in the healing and recovery process

The role of crystals is invaluable in the healing and recovery process. For example, smoky quartz is absolutely incredible for people suffering from cancer. It has been found that when a patient suffering from cancer wears smoky quartz, they are able to handle the radiation in a better way. It helps to boost your spiritual and physical energy levels.

Crystals for reducing stress and anxiety

For reducing stress and anxiety one can wear a bracelet or mala of a combination of amethyst, rose quartz, white quartz, and smoky quartz. This will help you sleep better, your skin will start to look good and it will take care of your anxiety.


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