The right way to pair crystals and essential oils to heal yourself

The right way to pair crystals and essential oils to heal yourself

Natural healing therapies come bundled with a host of benefits for your health and happiness and perhaps, the most common and the popular ones amongst them are the usage of healing stones and essential oils. Both these alternative remedies are simple and cleanse your body and mind of negative toxins along with alleviating pain levels physically and mentally. They also carry therapeutic benefits and promote positivity. Well, what if we told you, you could actually combine the two of them together and gain good vibes to stay well and healthy?

Here’s why

Both healing crystals and aromatherapy oils are extracted from naturally found resources and hence, their benefits are considered to be very healing and potent. Whether from the stones, mud, minerals, plants, leaves, and trees, nature can hold the cure for so many of your health woes.

While both mediums have their own takers, if you know how to pair crystals with essential oils, you stand to benefit the most out of your therapy. Just like yoga and meditation work on the same line, healing crystals and aromatherapy work together to enhance the energy levels. Paired correctly, they can also enhance or amplify each other’s potent ability or help you reach your goal in a better way. If you are a beginner, you can try experimenting with the oils and the crystals and see what works for you, or you could seek help from a healer to align your energies and keep the stress away. Keeping in mind this, here are three of the most powerful and helpful combinations you can try out.

If the sole purpose of seeking a relaxation therapy like crystal healing is to achieve peace and calm, you can try using a cleansing crystal-like amethyst and pair it up with an essential oil like lavender. While amethyst has powerful properties that are known to relax you, lavender oil has long been used as a stress-relieving medium. You can also try using chamomile oil, which can fight stress levels and infuse a sense of calm and put you to sleep because of its soothing properties.

Since healing therapies also promote positive energy and promote a sense of calm, you can also try pairing up a mood-boosting crystal-like yellow citrine with essential oils like lemon, orange or ylang-ylang. While these actively work to boost the levels of oxytocin and dopamine in the body, clear up blockages, coupled up with the essential oils, it also keeps several viruses and infections at bay. It creates a very energetic and positive environment around you, which can be very helpful on the days you need a pick-me-up of sorts.

On the other hand, some people also depend on healing energies to protect them or their surroundings from negative transmissions or cleanse bad auras. Black tourmaline has been widely used and advocated to clear away toxins, absorb negative energy and let out spiritual energy. If you would like to increase the potency of this, adding a few drops of essential oil like frankincense or sage can help you stay protected. They also carry powerful anti-depressant and anti-inflammatory properties which can treat problems and bring in peace and harmony. It can act as a sort of energy protectant against the bad vibes and negative energies!

You can also making crystal-infused essential oils yourself and give yourself a massage to destress on the busy, tiring days.


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