Natural cold and flu remedies from around the world

It’s that time of the year when your child comes home from school with a runny nose, a cough, and complaining of a sore throat. Children everywhere get colds and coughs, and they don’t always have access to a pharmacy or medical care. Find out what people around the world do for natural remedies to colds, coughs, and the flu.*

1. Hot tea to soothe throats and relieve congestion

Hot liquids help relieve congestion, soothe the membranes of your throat and nose, and
keep your body hydrated, which is necessary to fight viral infections. Here are some
variations on soothing tea to fight colds and coughs.

• Passion fruit and onion tea — The Dominican Republic
Cut two passion fruit and one medium onion in half and boil them together in about 4
cups of water for 10 minutes. Strain, leaving only the liquid. Sweeten it with honey.

Ginger tea — Cambodia
Boil water and add powdered or fresh ginger. Let it steep before drinking.

• Garlic tea — Mexico
In rural Mexico, families prepare a hot beverage, like lemon tea, and add lots of onion or
garlic. It doesn’t taste the best, but it does fight infections.

• Cinnamon tea — Mexico
In urban Mexico, a standard treatment for colds is hot water mixed with cinnamon and

• Golden milk — India
Bring a cup of milk to a simmer, then add a teaspoon of turmeric. Mix before drinking.

• Lemon leaves — Mali
Boil lemon leaves and mix the hot liquid with a little sugar.


2. Honey to fight coughs and infections

Honey is a natural cough treatment. In fact, studies have found that honey is equally as
effective compared to a common cough suppressant ingredient. Honey also has
antibacterial properties that can fight infections.

• Spicy honey — South India
Sprinkle powdered ginger and black pepper on a spoonful of honey. Lick the spoon

• Honey and shallots — The Dominican Republic
Fill a glass jar with honey and sliced or whole peeled shallots. Let it sit for a while to
absorb. Then, eat a tablespoon of the honey three to four times a day. Some even eat
the onions.

• Honey tea — Ghana
For a simple remedy, mix some honey in warm water.

• Blended radish and honey — The Dominican Republic
In a blender, mix radish, watercress, and honey, preparing a couple cups at a time. Give
a tablespoon at a time to help clear a cough and fight a cold.


3. Hot soups for cold and flu

This chicken and vegetable soup is a favorite in Zambia to give children energy and protect their bodies. (©2018 World Vision/photo by Heather Klinger)
Like hot liquids, hot soups work to clear congestion, soothe membranes, and deliver
important nutrients to help your body fight an illness. Chicken noodle soup is a
worldwide classic but try these hot soup variations as natural remedies against colds
and flu.

• Congee — China
Congee is a traditional Chinese soup made from water or stock and rice, but with the
option to add many different ingredients. Most people eat it for breakfast, but it is
believed to be a healing food any time of a day.

• Vegetable soup — Cambodia
A simple broth with vegetables and a little spice.

• Lugaw — PhilippinesLugaw is a rice porridge cooked with ginger and chicken and is the comfort healing food
of the Philippines.

• Chicken and vegetable soup — Zambia

This “Go, Grow, Glow” soup can be made vegetarian but either way offers protein and
foods to boost energy and protect from disease.


4. Alternate treatments for colds and flu

Besides drinking or eating, there are a few cheap and easy cold and flu treatments that
can alleviate symptoms and help children recover from colds and the flu faster.
• Sleeping remedy — Mexico

To help children sleep with a cold, run a hot iron on your child’s bed sheets, making the
bed nice and toasty. Then put Vicks VapoRub on a child’s chest and cover him or her
with blankets. They will sleep better and sweat out the cold.

• Foot bath — Cambodia
Put hot water in a bucket and soak your feet in the warm water.

• Shea butter — West Africa
Apply shea butter on the nose of a child to relieve congestion. This can especially be
helpful for sick babies and is a favorite remedy in multiple African countries.

• Herbal steam — Zambia
Using an herb called Mayani — it smells like mint and is known for its expectorant
qualities — sit under a blanket with a pot of recently boiled Mayani leaves and let the
steam mist over the face and chest. You could also substitute eucalyptus oil or menthol
in hot water.

• Onion — Ghana
Peel an onion, cut it in two, and place on either side of a child’s bed. The onion absorbs
toxins and germs and is thought to purify the air.

*Please note: This is a compilation of folk remedies, not professionally tested medical
treatment. No representations or warranties are being made about the efficacy of any
remedy listed. They are not a substitute for medical consultation; when in doubt,
please check with your healthcare provider.

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