Improve your lung capacity with these natural remedies

Improve your lung capacity with these natural remedies

The one organ in our body that works almost tirelessly is the lungs. They are the most abused as well. Taking care of them has become a necessity these days— thanks to the increasing pollution levels around the globe. The first and most important step is to quit smoking. Besides that there are a few natural ways by which one can try to improve their breathing capacity and get a set of stronger lungs..

1 Deep breathing is one of the best ways to improve your breathing capacity. This is also one of the easiest methods. Also make sure to do yoga every day and be regular.

2 Any form of exercise can help you streamline your breathing pattern. Indulge in activities like swimming, jogging or trekking to help you improve your breathing.

3 Water is a cure to a lot of issues related to our body. Having water regularly will improve blood flow, which in turn will keep your lungs hydrated.

4 This might sound disgusting but having pungent food items like garlic or onion will help reduce cholesterol and fight infections that affect the lungs.

5 The spicy compound in capsicum is helpful because it improves blood flow and fights infection.

6 Nuts and seeds that are rich in magnesium are good for your diet. They keep you healthy and contribute to healthy lung function.

7 Consume citrus regularly. The fruit is rich in vitamin C and helps lungs transfer oxygen.

8 Similarly, pumpkin that is rich in vitamin C lowers the chances of lung diseases. Carrots also have the same property and can help fight diseases.

9. Have a glass of warm milk mixed with turmeric every night. it helps fight infection and lung diseases. You can also keep that annoying cold at bay.

10 Ginger that has anti-inflammatory properties helps get rid of pollutants from the lungs. Have them raw or mix them in your food.


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