Lemon eucalyptus oil
If you are not a synthetic cream person and find sprays ineffective, you can actually use lemon eucalyptus oil, Dr Immo Hansen, a biology professor at New Mexico State University, told a website.
According to him, refined lemon eucalyptus oil is rich in a substance called PMD, a naturally occurring substance that prevents mosquito bites. However, the oil should not be used for kids below the age of three.
This is a pesticide that repels insects and is similar to the flowering chrysanthemum plant. According to Neeta Connally, an entomologist at Western Connecticut State University, if you spray permethrin on your clothes, it can act as a tick repellent. However, according to many experts, if you spray it on your clothes, it also repels mosquitoes and flies.
The good thing about permethrin is that it just needs to be sprayed on your clothes. If you have a sensitive skin and like to stay outdoors, this option may be suitable for you.