Homeopathy to prevent premature graying of hair

One issue that concerns a large chunk of the population these days is premature graying of hair. From a teenager to a person in his 30s, all are concerned about the untimely appearance of white hair and the reasons behind this can be plenty. Lack of proper nutrition, improper digestion of food, stress are some factors that contribute to premature graying.

People try numerous treatments and home remedies to stop their hair from turning gray but do you know that even homeopathy can be an excellent alternative to get rid of this problem?

Causes of graying of hair
Gray hair first appears on the beard, mustache, sidelocks or at the temples. It slowly spreads to other parts of the head with time. As per Delhi based homeopath, Dr. Nalini Rana, “The most common causes of gray hair in youngsters are digestive disorders, deficiency of vitamin D, calcium, iron and usage of excessive chemicals.” It can also be due to stress, depression, pollution and very often due to an underlying disease like hyperthyroidism, hormonal imbalance, hypothyroidism, and pernicious anemia. In some people, it can even be hereditary.

Why homeopathy can be a great alternative?
In homeopathy, natural medicines are used to treat any medical condition. As all the medicines are made of natural substances, they are free from any side effects. This is quite beneficial in halting the process of graying of hair.

Dr. Rana said that before treating any person, his underlying health conditions need to be analyzed and accordingly medications are provided to eradicate it so that the early graying of hair stops once and for all. But she added that medicines alone cannot help to recover from the problem of gray hair, lifestyle and dietary changes are equally important.

Few common medicines used in homeopathy to treat graying of hair are as follows:


Lycopodium works most naturally and harmlessly to stop the process of graying. The patient prescribed with this medicine usually suffers from gastric troubles like constipation.

Natrum Mur
This homeopathic medicine is quite effective on an anemic person. Natrum Mur helps to improve the overall health of a person and increase immunity. A person on this medication might have an excessive craving for salty food items.


Phosphorus acts excellently to prevent further greying of hair. It is good for people suffering from graying of hair accompanied by hair fall, dandruff, and itchy scalp. People taking phosphorus may have peculiar desire of having cold drinks, juice and ice creams.

Vinca Minor
Vinca Minor acts on the pigmentation, which leads to white hair without any side effects. Vinca Minor is also used for the treatment of eruptions on the scalp.


Arnica is a flowering herb and hair oil made with this has been used as a homeopathic treatment for skin, scalp, and hair conditions. The hair oil helps to improve the overall health of your hair and strengthening the hair follicles, thus reducing the hair fall.

Recovery time
As per Dr. Rana, the recovery time varies from person to person and the severity of the condition. “If the whitening of hair has just started, then it takes at least 6 months to 1 year to control the process of graying, provided the person takes the medicines regularly.”

Lifestyle changes and home remedy
Apart from homeopathy, various home remedies are also recommended to people suffering from the problem of graying of hair. People are recommended to increase the intake of fruits, vegetables, curd, and amla to recover from nutritional deficiency.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed by the doctors are their independent professional judgment and we do not take any responsibility for the accuracy of their views. This should not be considered as a substitute for physician’s advice. Please consult your treating physician for more details.


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