Homeopathy and the management of polycystic ovary syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome (P.C.O.S.) was first described in a research paper published in 1935 by Stein and Leventhal. Although the nomenclature was added later, the paper described symptoms of amenorrhoea (the absence of menstrual periods), hirsutism (increase in body hair), obesity and the polycystic appearance of the ovaries in seven women.

These remain the clinical features that indicate the possible diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome even today. However, now the pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of this condition are better understood. P.C.O.S. is now well recognised to have major implications on the patient’s metabolic, reproductive and cardiovascular health. It is one of the most common hormonal disorders in women today with a prevalence rate of 5-10%.

Recently, the presence of two of the following criteria was defined as a requirement for diagnosis of P.C.O.S.: oligomenorrhea (decreased menstrual flow), amenorrhoea, increased levels of circulating androgens (male hormones), clinical manifestation of increased male hormones and ultrasound defined polycystic appearance of the ovaries. It is important to note that the presence of polycystic appearance of the ovaries is not a prerequisite for diagnosis of P.C.O.S. Increased levels of insulin in the blood may also be seen in patients. Obesity is seen in about 30% of patients.

Patients of P.C.O.S. have a higher risk of developing diabetes and hypertension. Insulin resistance and the increased levels of male hormones can also lead to increased levels of triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins (a form of lipid associated with increased risk of cardiac disease) in P.C.O.S. patients.

In practice, we find that the one of the most common reasons for which P.C.O.S. patients seek treatment is acne and hirsutism. In younger patients, especially, this is a source of stress and affects confidence. Homeopathy can reduce the sensitivity of theIn practice, we find that the one of the most common reasons for which P.C.O.S. patients seek treatment is acne and hirsutism.skin to circulating hormones, helping clear up eruptions. The abnormal density and rate of growth of hair on the face and other parts of the body is also effectively controlled with homeopathic treatment.

Irregularity of the menstrual period is another common presentation of P.C.O.S. We see thousands of girls and women complaining of this every month. Delayed periods may be accompanied by severe pain and heavy bleeding which can be very debilitating. On the other hand, patients also report extremely limited menstrual flow leading to discomfort.Homeopathic treatment can provide quick relief for menstrual cramps. The treatment also helps in safely reducing heavy bleeding in a very short span of time. In addition to medication for quick relief, patients are given regular homeopathic medicines to help regularise their menstrual cycle.

Women who are planning to start a family may be unable to get pregnant due to P.C.O.S. It is, in fact, the most common cause of ovulatory infertility. The imbalance in hormones results in the absence of ovulation or infrequent ovulation. Again, this can be extremely distressing for the patient. Assisted fertilisation procedures come with their own risks. Patients are often unwilling to undergo repeated attempts of these procedures. Homeopathic treatment can increase the chances of fertility. We see many happy couples who have conceived with homeopathic treatment. Some have done so, after having attempted different kinds of fertility treatment in vain.

As in most diseases, medication is only part of the solution. Although, the exact cause of P.C.O.S. has not been clearly understood, issues with hormones are closely linked to lifestyle. It is believed that the rising prevalence of P.C.O.S. is a result of the increasing common erratic lifestyle seen in young children and adults alike. Disrupted sleep patterns, the absence of exercise and the consumption of unhealthy food are traits seen in patients who have not even attained puberty! The prevention of P.C.O.S. as well as its effective management cannot be hoped for without making changes to such unhealthy practices. Losing weight has been demonstrated to positively effect patients of P.C.O.S. but patients who are not overweight should also engage in exercise which helps correcting hormonal imbalance.

Patient homeopathic treatment along with improved lifestyle and diet can help all aspects of this extremely common condition.

Dr. Kushal Banerjee

M.D. (Hom.), M.Sc. (Oxon)

Dr. Kushal Banerjee received his undergraduate degree from Indraprastha University and completed his MD in Homeopathy from Ludhiana. He went on to read for a Master of Science in Evidence Based Medicine at the University of Oxford. He is a member of the British Register of Complementary Medicine, England. He has lead authored research on homeopathy with collaborators from the University of Oxford and Imperial College, London.


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