Home remedies for stomach ache (Getty Images)

Home remedies to treat stomach ache

Here are simple home remedies to treat stomach ache

– Add honey in your lemon tea and have it twice a day.

– Take one teaspoon of lemon juice and mint juice, add a few drops of ginger juice and black salt. Drinking this mixture will cure stomach pain.

– Extract some juice after grating a few pieces of ginger. Massaging this juice on your tummy will give you relief from stomach ache.

– Drink water. It will cleanse the body of toxins and guarantee better bowel movements.

– Processed foods like chocolates and dairy products will only aggravate your problems. Opt for healthier options like leafy vegetables or fruits.

– If you regularly suffer from stomach ache, trying going for a daily walk. It will make your digestive system healthier.

– Mix one teaspoon of ajwain, some lemon juice and a pinch of black salt in warm water and drink it.


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