Does acupuncture therapy work in getting rid of a throbbing headache? We tell you

If you have ever battled a throbbing headache, you will understand how crippling it is. It not only impacts your quality of life but also hinders your ability to carry on with everyday work.

Additionally, a terrible bout of headache can leave you feeling helpless, so much so, it becomes difficult to focus on anything else.

While a lot of people believe in popping one painkiller after another when the headache strikes, there may come a point of time when medicines may not be as effective in curbing it. Infact, not everyone is in favour of taking standard pain treatments because of unwanted side-effects.

This is when an alternative system of treatment, such as acupuncture comes to the rescue.

What is acupuncture therapy?

Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine which involves piercing specific body parts in order to get rid of the pain. The needles used are extremely thin and are inserted into specific pressure points all over the body.

While there is no scientific backing on the effectiveness of this ancient Chinese remedy, it still remains widely popular for treating various kinds of pain and ailments.

How does it work to cure a headache?

The way acupuncture functions is by removing negative energy from the body and balancing the energy flow. To treat any kind of pain through this method, you need to consult a professional acupuncturist. Depending on the signs and symptoms of the pain, the acupuncturist will insert fine needles at specific pressure points to relieve the pain.

This therapy works by placing needles at the points near the nerves to trigger healing. The whole procedure takes about 45-60 minutes and one is advised to attend atleast 6 sessions.

What does the study say?

According to a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, “True acupuncture may be associated with long-term reduction in migraine.” It is important to note that while people did observe a reduction in the frequency of headaches, the placebo effect could not be ruled out.

The medical communities do not have any conclusive reports on the effectiveness of acupuncture to treat severe headaches. One of the primary reasons behind the same is the absence of thorough research.

A word of caution:

Do remember that acupuncture may result in slight bruising or even soreness of the skin. Secondly, it is extremely important to ensure that the needles used in the process are single-use only and are FDA approved.

Also, make sure that you are comfortable with the idea of needles being pricked through your skin. Ask any questions that you may have beforehand so that you feel calm before going through the process.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article should not be considered as a substitute for a physician’s advice. Please consult your treating physician for more details.


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