Do you know what is qi deficiency? Here is how you can balance your qi

Do you know what is qi deficiency? Here is how you can balance your qi

If you know what is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), you must have heard about ‘Qi’. As per TMC, which is an ancient medical practise originated in China some 3500 years ago, qi is referred to the energy that circulates through the body all the time. So, in general terms qi deficiency is lack of vital energy in the body. Experts believe that the scarcity of the energy is linked to the spleen and can be treated by taking proper rest and eating the right taking proper rest. In this article, we will reveal what exactly is qi deficiency and how to balance it.

What is qi deficiency?

As per TCM, everything around us is made up of qi. To stay physically and mentally fit and healthy, a person must have a balanced qi. It is believed that any illness exists if the qi energy is imbalanced in the body.

Symptoms of qi deficiency

Qi deficiency means low energy and it affects the entire body or any particular organ of the body. As per a study published in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences, there are five basic symptoms of qi deficiency:

Extreme weakness


Excessive sweating

Swollen tongue

Weak pulse


Qi deficiency can be caused due to several reasons like ageing, hypertension, cardiac issues. Apart from this, the deficiency is also caused when we use too much qi in our daily life. Leading a stressful life can also be a reason behind it. Chronic stress can drain the energy and with time it can lead to other illness.


Take rest: If you feel extremely exhausted take rest. This will help to balance the qi in the body. Take a break and do a relaxing activity like yoga and meditation.

Sleep properly: Take proper sleep for 7-8 hours at night. Sleep deficiency can also can exhaustion and you may feel tired.

Foods to eat: There are some specific foods you should eat when you feel your qi is imbalanced.

Cooked food

Fermented food

Cooked green vegetables

Seasonal fruits


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