Benefits of acupuncture

Benefits of acupuncture

Here’s why acupuncture, which was legalised by the government of Maharashtra recently, is good for you

Often referred to as an alternative or esoteric therapy, acupuncture is sought by only a few as it is considered an extreme nature of the treatment. However, the process of formalising acupuncture by the Maharashtra government began three years ago, and it only came into practice on December 10, 2015.

Doctors and medical practitioners believe that this form of treatment was not considered by many as it involved insertion of thin needles at strategic points on the body, which is a key component of traditional Chinese medicine. Dr Hemant J Thakkar, an acupuncture therapist from the city says, “If performed well, acupuncture is an extremely safe procedure to treat any kind of pain. According to traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is a technique that is used for balancing the flow of energy or life force (known as chi), which is believed to flow through pathways in a human body. When needles are inserted into specific points along these pathways, the body’s energy flow is regains its balance naturally.”

Benefits of acupuncture

Brings clarity and focus: For those who have problem concentrating, acupuncture is said to invigorate your thought process and opens up your mind. w

Helps to manage stress: General practitioner Dr Nikhil Biswas says, “One of the advantages of acupuncture is that it instantly helps you to stop worrying. There are many, who are constantly overworked; that stress reflects on their face and they cannot function better. Thus, this form of alternative therapy ensures that you are relieved off stress within a few weeks.”

Spreads positivity in your life: Your daily chores can sap away your energy. To retain the same, acupuncture helps you stay positive in your life.

It helps you sleep better: Acupuncture calms your nerves and de-stresses you, which automatically helps you sleep better.


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