Getting a massage is like a hands-on treatment where your muscles are manipulated along with other soft tissues that offer relaxation, stress relief, beauty and health. In our busy lives, heading to a spa every week or fortnight is not…
Author: Admin
How to repel mosquitoes for real? 2 experts tell us
Mosquitoes – that’s one and probably the only thing most hate about rains. In India, it is practically impossible to keep them away for long just by using sprays or electronic devices. As far as creams are concerned, they are…
How to ward off mosquitoes this summer
Summers have set in and so have mosquitoes — small bite, big threat from these winged creatures which spread dengue and malaria. Here are some ways to keep mosquitoes at bay. Neem oil: Rub some neem oil mixed with equal…
5 essential oils to get relief from allergies
For many people, a seasonal allergy is a common problem. As soon as the season changes or they come across an irritatant, they start sneezing and coughing. Some even get rashes on different parts of their body due to allergic…
Aromatherapy for depression: Does it really work?
Depression can drastically affect the way you lead your life and go about your day-to-day activities. If you are battling depression, something as simple as getting out of the bed can become a daunting task. However, it is important to…
Doctor’s recommended home remedies for cold and flu
The combination of a runny nose, body ache, headache and sore throat is like a nightmare come true. Needless to say, if you get fever along with all this, the situation becomes unbearable. Taking a medicine when you have cold…
7 home remedies to curb cold and cough
With the change in weather, viral cough and cold are common ailments that kids suffer from. Try some of these remedies to treat the ailment and boost your kid’s immunity: 1. Steam: If your little one suffers from cold and…
Make this easy DIY balm to get rid of the nagging headache!
Whether it is a tension headache or sinus headache forcing you to quit your work and clutch your forehead in stress, headaches can be quite debilitating and anybody who has been through one knows how hard it can get. What…
Is it safe to ingest essential oils?
The usage of essential oils to treat various medical conditions have increased in the past few years. Essential oils are either added in bathwater, rubbed on hand and sniffed or ingested for relief. For very long, ingestion of essential oil…