5 ways ashwagandha can boost your sex life

Many men struggle with a decreased sexual drive in their lives these days. The problem has become more pronounced for the millennials as the stress levels are going up, work targets are getting tough and time for oneself and their relationships is getting meagre. Some have no option but to take help of medicines, like Viagra, while some must reach out to sex therapists and doctors. But before you call for help, there’s a remedy in diet that is known to prove wonders for enhancing the sexual life of men, Ashwagandha.

Ashwagandha is known to enhance the sex lives of men since the time of Kama Sutra. The plant has been mentioned in one of the oldest texts about sexuality and not just that, growing evidence in modern science is also suggesting the same now. Ashwagandha is safe and is powerful. Here are five ways in which it can significantly improve the sexual life of men.

It lowers stress

As one of the most common reasons of declining sex drive and poor sexual performance is stress, the plant of Ashwagandha can help reduce stress levels, to start with. When the stress levels are high, so is the blood pressure. When the blood pressure is high, it restricts blood flow to all the arteries, hence, becoming one of the leading causes of impotence.

Ashwagandha is an adaptogen, that is, it strengthens the adrenal glands and improves our fight-or-flight reactions. Adrenal glands are responsible for the production of cortisol in our body due to which we feel stressed in rough situations at work or at home.

A study showed that when subjects were given KSM – 66 ashwagandha for a period of 60 days, their cortisol levels reduced by 27 per cent. This was also felt by them during the experiment as they felt less stressed out and experienced less anxiety when they were taking ashwagandha. This can translate into a better sex life for men.

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Better sex drive as it is an aphrodisiac

Ashwagandha is an aphrodisiac as it has been long established in the history as one. The legendary ‘Kama Sutra’ also mentions the plant as one of the very powerful sexual stimulants. In fact, ashwagandha is one very common ingredient in herbal aphrodisiac products.

When men start taking ashwagandha, the production of nitric oxide is stimulated in their bodies. As a result of this, the blood vessels that carry blood to the genitals are dilatated. This causes an increase in sexual desire and satisfaction.

Today, research is suggesting the same. Ashwagandha has become a common form of treatment for loss of libido and even for erectile dysfunction.

Higher testosterone

Ashwagandha has been proven to raise the levels of testosterone significantly. As men age, the production of testosterone decreases in their bodies significantly. In fact, it is said that the level of testosterone drops by 0.4 to 2 per cent in men after the age of 30 every year. The symptoms of this loss can be seen in losing hair, losing muscle mass and losing the ability to last in bed.

Now, there are two ways ashwagandha helps in restoring a good sex life. First, it helps in the production of testosterone. It increases the serum levels of the luteinizing hormone and testosterone and revitalizes the natural balance of sexual hormones in men. In fact, a study in 2013 showed that ashwagandha revitalized the testosterone count in infertile men too.

Secondly, as ashwagandha is known to reduce stress by inhibiting the growth of cortisol, it also helps in the retardation of natural testosterone reduction. This in turn helps to keep the testosterone levels optimum for the body’s proper sexual functioning.

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Increase in sperm count

Ashwagandha is known to better libido in men and hence, it is only natural for the sperm count to go up. One study was conducted to prove the same. During that, a group of men was given ashwagandha supplements for a period of 90 days. Meanwhile, another group of men was given a placebo for those 90 days. After the trial, the results showed that the men who were given the ashwagandha supplements had increased sperm count and that too with a whopping 167 per cent!

The study has been a significant factor in the modern research that has helped show ashwagandha as a powerful sexual stimulator for men.

Better endurance

Besides other factors that are related to sexual health directly, ashwagandha has also been proven to be good at bettering one’s physical performance. A study was conducted to test the impact of ashwagandha of men. A group among the subjects was given the plant supplements while another group was not. At the end of the test, it was proven that the ones who had received ashwagandha supplements were better at endurance, with about double the endurance during physical activity. The reason behind this was ashwagandha’s anti-inflammatory and anti-stressor property.


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