Aromatherapy for mind, body & soul

Aromatherapy is an alternative way of living which runs deep through our history and is a holistic therapy as well as the art and science of utilizing naturally extracted aromatic essences from plants to balance, harmonize and promote the health of body, mind, and soul. This alternate therapy has also proved to be helpful for cancer patients, especially at the recovering stage.

Aromatherapy means healing through the sense of smell where we use essential oils derived a plant’s leaves, flowers, stalks, barks, rind or roots which contain the prana or life force of the plant to benefit our body and mind. Essential oils work on our emotions and have the capacity to alter our moods and are used to promote the well-being of a person. The oils deal with memory and psychological issues related to our mind such as depression, calming, anxiety, dealing with high blood pressure, improving memory and hypertension, etc in the cancer patients and survivors.

Aromatherapy is a powerful science that should be used consciously to harmonize the mind, body, emotions and the soul and it can become a way of life. Aromatherapy seeks to unify physiological, psychological and spiritual processes to enhance an individual’s innate healing process.

When we talk about cancer and its recovery, it is to be understood that the lifestyle, diet, emotions play a major role. After being cured, the survivor when goes back into the world, the environment around him/her should be positive, worry-free and enlightening which can help them to feel happy, normal and encouraged. During such illness, our body and mind suffer a bit too much with both physical and mental stress. The condition of trauma leaves its impact for a long time and to undo the effect, one needs to be calm and should accept the healing that is being offered to the body to be at peace with the present and future.

Secondly, the survivor needs to be happy. The gratitude that develops in the heart after being cured and healed will work as a catalyst in the healing process.

Happiness is indeed the best medicine and along with Aromatherapy, it can be helpful to promote a speedy recovery. Light diffusers around the recovering person and add 1 drop of their favourite fragrance. The aroma will cheer them up and help them to cope up with the emotional struggle as well. Here are some oils that can help with:

Headache: Peppermint

Respiratory infection: Eucalyptus

Anxiety relief: Rose

Indigestion relief: Peppermint

Relaxation: Lavender

Cancer treatment follows chemotherapy and radiation therapy which can cause stress to the recovering person. Henna, with its chilling effect, can help them to calm down and relaxes the head muscles. Use it on hands and feet while undergoing chemo.

Cancer treatments sometimes have adverse effects on the skin in different ways. It makes the skin brittle, dry and distressed. You can use Soda bi-carbonate with a drop of lavender can help the rough, patchy and dry skin during the procedures.

For aches and pains, use Epsom salt with rose essential oil and give hot compresses in the affected areas. You can add Epsom salt with drops of lavender into hot water and put your feet in it to relax the tensed nerves and let go off the pain.

Chamomile oil and tea is also helpful to calm down.

Different ways to use aromatherapy
Place a few drops of your favourite essential oil in a diffuser to allow a soothing fragrance to fill the room.

Sprinkle 2-3 drops of oil in your bath.

Sprinkle 1 drop of oil on a tissue or a handkerchief, and hold it up to your nose. Keeping your eyes closed to avoid irritation, take 2-3 deep breaths through the nose.

Place 2-3 drops of oil in a 4-ounce spray bottle of water. Shake the bottle and then spray fragrance around a room.

Important things to consider
Make sure you’re using pure essential oil and not any blends.

Pregnant women and children should avoid inhaling essential oils and rubbing it on their skins.

Do not blend a lot of aromas, and always check with your doctor before trying Aromatherapy or using essential oils.

After a lot of medication and chemotherapy the skin tends to become really sensitive and therefore before using any essential oil, do a patch test.

How to do a patch test
Apply a few drops of essential oil on a portion of your hand. Leave it for 24 hours. If there is any skin reaction such as a rash, soreness or irritation, do not continue to use the oil.

Aromatherapy is used by patients with cancer as a supportive therapy to heal their body, mind, and soul. The therapeutic use of essential oils in Aromatherapy has been helping cancer patients in improving their physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

-By Dr Blossom Kochhar, Founder, Aroma Magic

This article is exclusively produced for The Times of India Healthy India, Fit India by our partner, Indian Cancer Society


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