While water retention is normal if you are pregnant or menstruating, it needs cure if you are not. It could indicate imbalanced diet, drug reaction, menopause, thyroid, liver or kidney disorders among others. Here are some ways you can treat it at home:
Have lots of water: More water means less water retention but make sure that your water intake is evenly spread out through the day. Guzzling water down in a short period of time can lead to water intoxication.
Less salt and sugar: Salt clogs water tissues and excessive salt means fluid retention. Even sugar ups the insulin level in the body, decreasing body’s function to flush out sodium aka salt.
Opt for natural diuretics: Instead of rushing to the medical shop to purchase diuretics, look in your kitchen. The biggest reliever is cranberry juice. It can be taken in excess too in order to fix water retention. Closely following the lead would be raw cabbage leaves. Foods like apple cider vinegar, green tea, parsley and fennel are also some of the natural diuretics that can come to your rescue.
Herbal tea to the rescue: Herbal teas with tea tree or parsley base help in removing excess water from the body.
Garlic: Having garlic empty stomach in the morning helps in a big manner. It also helps break down the fats.
Ice packs: Stuff ice cubes in a thin cloth and press it against the affected area. It will give you relief. However, it is not a good option for diabetics.
Say no to alcohol: Alcohol leads to water retention and should be taken in moderation. It forces the body to store even more water.