Home remedies for Urinary Tract Infection (Thinkstock photos/Getty Images)

Home remedies for Urinary Tract Infection

Here are some measures you can take when suffering from UTI

UTI’s are extremely common among men and women these days, but especially among women. These can be very dangerous if not taken care of properly. Here are some things you should keep in mind when suffering from one.

1. UTI’s can be diagnosed with the help of simple urine test. The urine samples show the presence of pus cells and depending on how many there are, it can be decided whether the infection is mild or strong.

2. Once diagnosed you must increase you liquid and fluid intake by at least 5 times. Drink a lot of water and natural cranberry juice. While water helps flush out the infection from the system, cranberry juice has medicinal properties that disallow the bacteria from sticking to the tract.

3. Stop using all public washrooms and ensure personal hygiene at all times, wherever you go.

4. Wear clean, dry and loose clothing when suffering from an infection as rough, tight or synthetic fabric can irritate you even more.

5. If not taken care of, the infection can spread upto your kidney and cause awful problems, so ensure that care is taken at all times. If the infection lasts longer, seek medical help immediately.


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